Registered user since Sat 20 Sep 2014
Mehran Alidoost Nia has a PhD in Software Engineering from University of Tehran, and is a researcher in DRTS (Dependable/Distributed Real-Time Systems) Lab at University of Tehran. His research interests include Cyber-Physical Systems, Self-Adaptive and Autonomous Systems, Formal Verification and Information Security. His research in PhD program was about probabilistic analysis of self-adaptive and autonomous systems entitled “Runtime Probabilistic Analysis of Self-Adaptive Systems via Formal Approximation Techniques”, that was supervised by Mehdi Kargahi (University of Tehran) and Alessandro Abate (University of Oxford). He is also a Programme Fellow at the University of York, and collaborating on Assuring Autonomy International Programme (AAIP) under supervision of Radu Calinescu since 2020.
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