Registered user since Sat 23 Jan 2016
Name:Nadia Polikarpova
Nadia Polikarpova is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego. She received her PhD from ETH Zurich (Switzerland), and spent a couple of years as a postdoc at MIT CSAIL. She is a 2020 Sloan Fellow and a recipient of 2020 Intel Rising Stars Award and the 2020 NSF Career Award. Her research interests are in program synthesis, program verification, and type systems.
Country:United States
Affiliation:University of California at San Diego
Personal website: https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~npolikarpova/
Research interests:Programming Languages, Formal Methods
- Workshops Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Co-chair in Workshop Co-Chairs within the Workshops and Tutorials-track
- Type-Directed Program Synthesis for RESTful APIs
- (OOPSLA 2021) LooPy: interactive program synthesis with control structures
- Panelist in Organizing Committee within the W@PLDI-track
- Committee Member in PLDI within the PLDI-track
- (OOPSLA 2020) Just-in-Time Learning for Bottom-up Enumerative Synthesis
PLDI 2022-profile
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